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The Digital Download

Unpacking the Entrepreneurial Myth of Self-Employment

March 15, 202454 min read

Unlocking Creativity and Communication in Business with Special Guest Kathy Klotz-Guest

This week on The Digital Download, we challenge the notion of self-employment with our special guest, Sheryl Scott. A seasoned career coach and Regional Manager for PPLSI, Sheryl has an extensive background in guiding career transitions along with her own personal journey through the entrepreneurial landscape. Sheryl brings an insightful perspective on why the entrepreneurial path isn't the right fit for everyone.

Join us as we ask questions like:

* Who is self-employment suited for?

* Can passion alone drive business success?

* What misconceptions surround the entrepreneurial lifestyle?

* How do personal strengths and weaknesses influence entrepreneurial success?

* What are the unseen challenges of running your own business?

Sheryl stresses, “If you're thinking you want to be self-employed because it's easier than a job search that's wrong 99.9% of the time.” Despite the appealing freedom associated with being your own boss, the realities of self-employment can be starkly different. Sheryl will shed light on the nuanced challenges of self-employment.

Join us for a lively discussion and debate.

We strive to make The Digital Download an interactive experience. Bring your questions. Bring your insights. Audience participation is highly encouraged!

This week we were joined by our Special Guest -

This week's Host was -

Panelists included -

Transcript of The Digital Download 2024-03-15

Rob Durant [00:00:02]:

Good morning, good afternoon, and good day wherever you may be joining us from. Welcome to another edition of The Digital Download, which is

Tracy Borreson [00:00:13]:

the longest running

Rob Durant [00:00:15]:


Adam Gray [00:00:16]:

weekly talk show.

Rob Durant [00:00:17]:

Business talk show

Tracy Borreson [00:00:20]:

on LinkedIn Live.

Tim Hughes [00:00:22]:

Now globally syndicated syndicated.

Rob Durant [00:00:25]:

On the IBGN Radio network.

Tracy Borreson [00:00:28]:

Radio network.

Rob Durant [00:00:29]:

Alright. Excellent. Thank you. Today, we're unpacking the entrepreneurial myth of self employment. We have a special guest arriving, Cheryl Scott, to help us with the discussion. A seasoned career coach and regional manager for PPLSI, Cheryl has an extensive background in guiding career transitions along with her own personal journey through the entrepreneurial landscape. But before we bring Cheryl on, let's vamp. Let's go around and introduce everyone.

Tracy Borreson [00:01:10]:

Okay. While we're doing that explain to me this word vamp because I've heard it, like, a whole bunch of times in the past 24 hours, and I actually have no idea what it means.

Rob Durant [00:01:21]:

Stall for time. Stall for time. Isn't in the green room yet, so we wanna make sure we give her all the time necessary to get here.

Tracy Borreson [00:01:29]:

Got it.

Rob Durant [00:01:30]:

We've got some, guests in the audience already. Robert Jensen. Morning, afternoon, folks.

Adam Gray [00:01:36]:

Hi, Robert. Hi, Robert.

Rob Durant [00:01:39]:

Bob Breton, friend of the show. Aloha, folks.

Adam Gray [00:01:42]:

Hi, Bob.

Sheryl Scott [00:01:42]:

Says Hello, Bob.

Tim Hughes [00:01:43]:

Hi, Bob.

Rob Durant [00:01:44]:

You've got me up early today.

Adam Gray [00:01:47]:

How how early is it there?

Rob Durant [00:01:49]:

Well, where is there?

Tracy Borreson [00:01:51]:

I was gonna say, because if it's Hawaii, then it's very early.

Rob Durant [00:01:55]:

Right. And and Robert confirms, vamp is filler

Tracy Borreson [00:01:59]:

Thank you.

Rob Durant [00:01:59]:

Which I I think we're doing alright with right now.

Tracy Borreson [00:02:03]:

Is this Live a Gen z Gray, or is this always No.

Rob Durant [00:02:06]:

It's an old musical I look Gen z to you?

Adam Gray [00:02:09]:

It it's it's an old musical Gray. And what would happen is that when they were waiting for people to change costumes or whatever, the pianist would vamp, you know, would make something up and just play some music that would kind of fill time until until the the the stage act was ready.

Tracy Borreson [00:02:25]:

Okay. And the good news is

Rob Durant [00:02:26]:

our guest is here in the green room.

Adam Gray [00:02:28]:

Yeah. Fantastic.

Tracy Borreson [00:02:29]:

Alright. Successfully vamped. Good

Rob Durant [00:02:31]:

job. You go. Vamtastic. Vamtastic. Let's go around them. Oh, did he say vamptastic?

Adam Gray [00:02:40]:

He did. Yep.

Rob Durant [00:02:43]:

Alright. It's too early for this. It it really is.

Tim Hughes [00:02:47]:

It is.

Tracy Borreson [00:02:47]:

Excellent. So fantastic.

Rob Durant [00:02:51]:

Let's go around and, have some introductions. And while we're doing that, why don't you in the audience reach out to a Lorena? Ping them, and have them join us? We strive to make the digital download an interactive experience. Audience participation is highly engaged, as you can tell. With that, Adam, would you kick us off, please?

Adam Gray [00:03:15]:

Hello, everybody. I'm Adam Gray. I'm, cofounder of DLA Ignite. And, I'm very sorry for everyone in America that's that's up early. Or maybe they're not up early. Maybe it's just us that it's an hour earlier for. Anyway, I'm delighted to be here.

Rob Durant [00:03:31]:

Excellent. Thank you. Tim.

Tim Hughes [00:03:35]:

Yes. Thank you. I'm Tim Hughes. I'm the CEO and cofounder of DLA Knight, and I'm famous for writing a book, social selling techniques through influencers and changemakers.

Rob Durant [00:03:46]:

Thank you very much. Tracy.

Tracy Borreson [00:03:49]:

Good morning, folks. I'm Tracy Borreson, founder of TLB Coaching and Events, a proud partner of DLA Ignite, which I'm so excited, you guys. You'll see it later on my LinkedIn profile. I got my certificate. It's very exciting for me. Yeah. Congratulations. Oh, fireworks.

Tracy Borreson [00:04:04]:


Adam Gray [00:04:06]:


Tracy Borreson [00:04:07]:

And also, I just found out that Tim Hughes is coming to Calgary. So I am. We're gonna have an in person networking event. So folks, if you're in Calgary, you're watching this, hit me up and come to that because it's gonna be fun.

Rob Durant [00:04:19]:

I hope

Adam Gray [00:04:19]:

I hope you feel that he's you know, he's going all the way to Calgary to see you.

Tim Hughes [00:04:23]:

I'm just going to Calgary to see you, Tracy.

Tracy Borreson [00:04:26]:

I'm very excited about it because last year I ditched him in Vancouver.

Tim Hughes [00:04:31]:

You stood me up in Vancouver.

Tracy Borreson [00:04:33]:

I did.

Rob Durant [00:04:34]:

He he he at

Adam Gray [00:04:34]:

least has forgiven you now. He he he was crying for quite some Tim, though.

Tracy Borreson [00:04:39]:

I'm sure he was. Okay. That's me.

Rob Durant [00:04:43]:

Okay. Fantastic. Great to

Tim Hughes [00:04:45]:

see you, Trish. Famous. I'm gonna say this for this for the people on the radio is that she's famous because she has pink headphones.

Tracy Borreson [00:04:51]:

I am famous for my pink headphones.

Rob Durant [00:04:54]:


Tracy Borreson [00:04:56]:

And yourself? Listening on radio, you should come and watch the live show so you can see all things.

Tim Hughes [00:05:02]:


Rob Durant [00:05:04]:

Myself, I'm Rob Durant, founder of Flywheel Results, a proud DLA Ignite partner, and I'm not famous for anything. Yes. Yet. Yes. Alright. So as I said, this week on the digital download, we will speak with Cheryl Scott. Cheryl stresses, if you're thinking you want to be self employed because it's easier than a job search, That's wrong. 99.9 percent of the time.

Rob Durant [00:05:37]:

Let's bring her on and dive into that discussion. Cheryl.

Sheryl Scott [00:05:42]:

Good morning. Good morning, and welcome. Good morning. Thank you for having me.

Rob Durant [00:05:47]:

You're welcome. Thank you so much for being here. Cheryl, let's start by having you tell us a little bit more about yourself and how you got here.

Sheryl Scott [00:05:56]:

Alrighty. Well, I don't actually remember how I got here. Rob, I think you and I met somewhere networking in the virtual world. I mean, that's the reality now that so much is done online. I've met people from all over the world, and it's hard to keep track. And it's been a while since we met, so it was somewhere in cyberspace. Abbott my background, I'm actually on career number 3. I started in recruitment advertising, which is basically Help Wanted Adam way back pre Internet.

Sheryl Scott [00:06:33]:

So that gives you some idea of of, you know I started right out of kindergarten, mind you.

Rob Durant [00:06:39]:

Oh, clearly.

Tracy Borreson [00:06:40]:

Oh, yeah. And then I I As we all have.

Sheryl Scott [00:06:43]:

Of course. And then I sort of jumped to the other side of the table and started helping unemployed folks and became a career coach, which was way more rewarding because I love to help people. I did that employed for about 15 years. I worked with students, both co op and and interns. And then I went to a government agency and was helping unemployed adults for many, many years. And loved what I did, didn't necessarily love where I was doing it. I don't know about where you all are, but in Canada, anytime you're doing anything related to the government, there's way more paperwork and not enough helping people. So at that point, I started a side gig with PPLSI, which, for those of you that are wondering, stands for Prepaid Legal Services Inc.

Sheryl Scott [00:07:35]:

You can see why we don't use that long name. I just call it LegalShield, And that's our primary service, and I love it. I get to help people in way more ways than I ever did as a career coach. So while career coaching used to be my primary focus and LegalShield was this little side gig, they have changed positions, and career coaching is now very much a part time side gig, and LegalShield is the the primary focus in my life at the moment. But I Live, love helping new and prospective entrepreneurs, because, yeah, as Rob pointed out, you know, so many people while I was a career coach and since have said, oh, if I don't get a job right away, I'll just hang out a shingle and be self employed. It is almost that simple, but if you actually wanna make money, it's not that easy. I mean, as you all know, the reality is when you are self employed, you're gonna work harder than you ever did for somebody else. The difference is, hopefully, you enjoy it more.

Sheryl Scott [00:08:44]:

So the rest, as they say, is history. The government funding got cut and my job ended, so I am now a freelance career coach. And as I Gray, yeah, Southwest Ontario digital manager, independent associate, and small business specialist with LegalShield.

Rob Durant [00:09:02]:

Excellent. Thank you for that. Cheryl, I wanted to start with a foundational question. You say self employment isn't for everyone. No. But prevailing wisdom says we should all strive to be our own boss. Why is prevailing wisdom wrong?

Sheryl Scott [00:09:22]:

Well, I don't know that it is. I mean, to say that Borgo own boss you're your own boss doesn't necessarily mean you're self employed. I mean, if you're a leader, the first person you have to lead is yourself. So even if you are employed, you still have to lead yourself. You're still responsible. Right? You have to hold yourself accountable. You're the one that has to show up on time and do a good job and, you know, have a good work ethic and be a good team player or be able to work independently depending on the situation. Right? So I think that that's how you interpret that phrase is what matters.

Rob Durant [00:10:03]:

So if self employment isn't for everyone, who is self employment suited for?

Sheryl Scott [00:10:11]:

Well, I can tell you who it's not suited for. If you're thinking you wanna be self employed because you never wanna ask a boss for time off and you just wanna take endless vacation? Well, if you need to make money, that ain't gonna work, clearly. But a lot of people don't realize that. They think that being self employed means you can take lots of time off. You can work when you wish. Well, you can work with when you wish, but, typically you're gonna work more, as I said. Now if you wanna work, you know, nights and weekends as opposed to Monday to Friday, 9 to 5, that's fine. That is entirely up to you.

Sheryl Scott [00:10:48]:

But, yeah, who it is for would be folks that have initiative, who are gonna hold themselves accountable, who are good at setting goals. And if you've probably one of the most important things is you need to have a why. Why do you wanna be self employed? But Lorena importantly, why do you wanna do what it is you wanna do? Because if your why isn't clear, you're not gonna have enough drive or focus to really be truly successful.

Tracy Borreson [00:11:22]:

I think that is, like, a huge point, Cheryl, because this is a problem I see in I mean, I'm an entrepreneur. I hang out with a lot of entrepreneurs. And a lot of times people are just like, what's the easiest thing I can do to make money online? And you're like, well, I feel like that's different than me being like, okay. I have a young son at home. I wanna spend time with him. I have 20 years of experience in marketing. And I've seen this problem since I was 23 years old. So I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna fix it in the time I have and create this also this flexibility for myself so I can raise my son the way I want to.

Tracy Borreson [00:11:57]:

Like, that's a that's a lot different than just being LinkedIn don't really like my manager. I'm gonna open a store on Shopify and sell whatever is the most popular thing people are buying online these days. Like, yeah, there there's a difference there. And I also think I'd love to hear your opinion on this from this concept of it's easy to start an online business because conceptually and maybe financially, it's easy to start an online business, but it's not easy to get business online. Like, there's a lot of people doing business online, so it's not that easy.

Sheryl Scott [00:12:37]:

Agreed. Online or in person. I mean, folks often Gray, I'll just hang out a shingle. Well, that's not gonna be enough. In this day and age, hanging out a sign is not enough. If you build it, they will come, but only if they know it's there. So, yes, you can there's there's lots of software out there to help. You can go build a website, you can throw up a Shorten Etsy or Shopify.

Sheryl Scott [00:13:02]:

Sure. But how are people gonna find it? Because you're one of how many millions? And, yes, a carpenter can choose to work out of his garage, and, yes, might get a lot of referral business, but only after he has the first few clients, he or she. Right? So you've gotta think about that. You know, as as a career coach and now as a a small business specialist, I mean, one of the phrases that I use all the time is do what you do best and rely on pros for the rest. Because to be truly successful, yes, you're gonna have a product or service and and maybe you're creating a widget and selling it on Shopify. Great. Well, what about the rest of the business? The bookkeeping, the marketing, the, you know, financial portion of it. Right? Yes.

Sheryl Scott [00:13:55]:

It's your business, so it's your money, but if you keep it all, how's the business gonna grow if you don't reinvest any of it? But if you reinvest Tim all in the business, how are you paying rent and eating? Right? So there's a fine line somewhere in there, and you can get a business coach who's not only done it for themselves, but done it for many, many clients to help you figure that stuff out. You are going to need an accountant or at least a professional tax preparer who's familiar with your industry, exist. I don't know where you all are, but here in Canada, never ever has anyone ever gotten their tax return assessment back and the government said, oh, you missed a bunch of stuff. Here's more money. No. No. Yes. They put them there to help us as small business owners, but they don't advertise them because they don't actually want us to use them.

Sheryl Scott [00:14:57]:

Yeah. It's a little bit crazy. And But

Tim Hughes [00:14:59]:

you do in BC. That's where that's that's how they roll in BC, isn't it?

Sheryl Scott [00:15:06]:

I think most governments are similar. Right?

Tracy Borreson [00:15:08]:

I'm saying I'm in Alberta. It's the same.

Sheryl Scott [00:15:11]:

You will need a lawyer. Absolutely. At some point or Live, and Can can we can we

Tim Hughes [00:15:16]:

pick up some of the can we just pick up some of the comments in the,

Tracy Borreson [00:15:21]:


Tim Hughes [00:15:22]:

Yeah. So I'm just getting my mouse. So and I actually have a question because I I, Robert Matson says, finding your Ross passion is pretty good reason for hanging out a shingle. Now I don't I've never heard the term hanging out a shingle Shorten, and I, I and I wasn't sure if it was, basically, someone speaking with a, an Aberdeen sorry. An Edinburgh accent. So Live Sean Connery, where he's selling hanging out a shingle. So so what what does it mean? Sorry.

Sheryl Scott [00:15:56]:

It means hanging up a sign.

Tim Hughes [00:15:58]:

Right. Right?

Sheryl Scott [00:16:01]:

You know, when you think of little kids with lemonade stands, often they will take a cedar shingle and just write on it, lemonade 5¢.

Tim Hughes [00:16:08]:

Brilliant. It it does it it's not something that we have this side of the the the pond, or I've not come across it. Yeah. LinkedIn user and LinkedIn user. The reason why it comes up as LinkedIn user is the fact that you're not giving permissions in LinkedIn to share your data. The first person you have to lead is yourself. I totally agree. Totally agree with that.

Tim Hughes [00:16:29]:

Robert gives a, a description about himself, I think, with this one, which is that, it's about being awake at 4 AM with a Rob solving and then taking a nap at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. And, and Bob, I think, is makes a great point that this is his second business. The first was pre pre Internet back in 1987.

Rob Durant [00:16:56]:

And Also in kindergarten.

Tim Hughes [00:16:59]:

Yeah. 1987. That's right.

Tracy Borreson [00:17:02]:

That was the lemonade stand.

Tim Hughes [00:17:03]:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Can you can you imagine putting a lemonade stand out and not getting hit with health and safety now? True. Back in 90 seconds, it's now more diff it's it's it's more difficult to differentiate and compete today due to the low barriers of entry. Absolutely, Bob. Anybody can be expert.

Adam Gray [00:17:20]:

And I

Tracy Borreson [00:17:21]:

think that there was easy

Sheryl Scott [00:17:22]:

to get lost.

Adam Gray [00:17:23]:

There there were loads of really damaging, phrases, like, you know, build it and they will come. We Or actually build it further to your point, Cheryl. Build it and they never know you were there. So they won't come. And I think that the one of the challenges that that we have is often that we conflate being out of work with being a consultant stroke self employed with being an entrepreneur. And actually, these are loads of so, Tim and my accountant, he uses the term corporate refugee. So, you know, you've been in corporate life for a number of years, and then you're laid off and you decide, actually, it's time for a fresh start. And typically, these are clever people with loads of experience, but no hands on experience of doing the things they need to do.

Adam Gray [00:18:10]:

And so, you know, yeah, you you you register your company, and you build a website, and you set up your email. And then you go, I don't know how to do contract of employment. And all of a sudden, not only do you not have do a contract of employment. And all of a sudden, not only do you not have any of these skills, you actually don't know who to ask to find these skills in a lot of cases. So you need that business coach Ross someone that has been through it before to say, why don't you speak to Rob? Why don't you speak to Tracy? Because they can help you with this element or this element of it. But I think that it's really damaging to assume that just because you're running your business, you're an entrepreneur. Again, you know, our accountant, he he says, entrepreneurs desperately need accountants, because the accountant runs along behind them sweeping up all of the breakages so they don't go to prison. Because entrepreneurs kind of they they they are the Gary Vees and the Richard Borreson of this world, where they see something and they go, I can I can see that working?

Tim Hughes [00:19:08]:

I should point out that our accountant isn't sweeping up after us. No. Absolutely. Out to prison. It's just just

Adam Gray [00:19:14]:

just Although although we do like to think of ourselves as quite entrepreneurial. But I I think that one of the one of the things is that just because you've got loads of experience helping companies implement an IT system, it doesn't make you an entrepreneur when you do it on your own back for your own, you know, your own clients. And and I think that that if you're running a business, but you're not an entrepreneur, there's almost a degree of shame attached to that, isn't there?

Sheryl Scott [00:19:43]:

Potentially. Absolutely. I've also heard it said that, you know, people will confuse and call themselves an entrepreneur or a business owner when it's really just a hobby. Right? I mean, until you start making money, it's wonderful that you're creating widgets. But if you aren't selling any, is it really a business? I mean, yeah, there's a ramping up period, of course. But I think a lot of people until you start getting all those other pieces in place, until you are marketing, until you are out doing business development, until you have an accountant and a lawyer and all of these things in place, you know, you're not really in business. And, certainly, if you haven't registered your business or licensed your business or done all of the legal things necessary to get Shorten. You're really not in business and in great danger of getting shut down before you even get started.

Tim Hughes [00:20:38]:

Yeah. There's there's also a lot of really bad advice on online. Cheryl, I saw something this week where, you know, because of the the market conditions, it's sad that a lot of people have been laid off. And one of these, you know, she's I I saw she's not connected to me, but I saw a comment in you know, she's decided to to take the bull by the horns and and set herself up by herself. So she put out a question to her LinkedIn network saying, what apps do I need? And there was all these people from working in corporate jobs laying out all these. And I could just see this. You know? So someone had said, you need to have Google Docs, and you need to have, trying to think of the the the there's, Google Docs and and and as well as, something to store your files. And and I had just made the comment.

Tim Hughes [00:21:28]:

I said, you've got duplication there. You've got a limited budget. And just because somebody is in a, is in the corporate role, they may have Dropbox and and Google Docs, but you don't need both of them. And in fact, you know, you don't you know, if you've got Google, you don't need Zoom and Teams. So all of a sudden, you're in this one of the things that you're trying to do is actually make decisions because every month, you're paying money out for more and more apps.

Rob Durant [00:21:56]:

And and

Tim Hughes [00:21:56]:

it was just and I just had to step in and say, look. You know, you need and I I said, sorry. If you ever need any advice about setting up a company, you know, you you do need to talk Tim somebody who's who's done it before rather than relying on me.

Sheryl Scott [00:22:08]:

Absolutely. And somebody who's done it in your country, state, or province, because it varies from place to place, what you need and what you don't need. There are so many myths out there, like, oh, if I'm starting a company, I must need to incorporate. Not necessarily. Depends what you're doing, what size you're at, where you plan it might not be necessary ever or it might not be necessary now. Could be down the road. But you have to talk to an expert. I mean, Google is Gray, But let's face it, if we're spending 6 hours on Google to find an answer, a, how do we know it's up to date? B, how do we know it's correct for our state, province, country? And who has that kind of time? Because if you're spending that amount of time I mean, another great example, you know, my husband, bless his heart, loves to do things himself, you know, leaky tap.

Sheryl Scott [00:22:59]:

Let's spend 6 hours on YouTube watching videos on how, 20 trips back and forth to the hardware store, and 3 weekends to fix a leaky tap. Well, that's great if he wasn't otherwise making money on weekends. But we could Live, you know, paid a plumber, yeah, $120 an hour, but they would've had it done in 20 minutes. You gotta think what's your time worth. Right? You have when you're starting out, you have to be focused on revenue generating activity. Absolutely. Not spending, you know, 5 days figuring out how to set up your bookkeeping.

Tracy Borreson [00:23:39]:

Well and I think

Rob Durant [00:23:39]:

this is Rob Jensen says, I'm sorry, Tracy. I just wanna read that off in in in response. Robert Matson says, sometimes the best tool for a job is a check.

Tracy Borreson [00:23:51]:

Although do you write checks anymore? Yeah. He transfer.

Tim Hughes [00:23:56]:

Rob Robert's been retro.

Adam Gray [00:24:00]:

Retro. Rob is

Tracy Borreson [00:24:00]:

always being retro. I I I just wanted to, like, bring this back because we had some, like, comments earlier about how, like, entrepreneurs are working 70 to 80 hours a week and that we're, like, should be expected to work more if we're going to start our own business, which I think is also a dangerous narrative for entrepreneurs because I think it creates space for this type of thing. Right? We have to spend 80 hours a week working. And so then we William spend 6 hours a day on Google searching things or watching LinkedIn Live and things like that. And then you're like, well

Rob Durant [00:24:36]:

Well, watching LinkedIn lives is is critical.

Tracy Borreson [00:24:38]:

Live LinkedIn live is good, but there's a whole bunch of useless. I'm sorry. I was talking to a client the other day, and she was like, you could spend all day watching LinkedIn live just from the people who are in your network going live. And, yeah, you can. And you need to use your judgment about where do you go that is helpful for you? Who are the people you follow who actually give you good advice or challenge the advice that other people are giving you Live Tim did? What are you spending your time doing? I see this so often in marketing. People are like, I'm doing marketing. Are you? Because it's not actually accomplishing anything. So you're spending 4 hours a day doing this activity, and it's getting you no visibility.

Tracy Borreson [00:25:23]:

It's getting you no conversations. It's generating no leads. So, yeah, we could all celebrate. I work 70 to 80 hours a week, or we could celebrate. I have a full funnel, and I work 25 hours a week. And I mean, that's not necessarily where you're gonna start when you're building all of these Abbott. But if you are getting in contact with the right professionals that can help you in this space. And I had a conversation social you.

Tracy Borreson [00:25:47]:

I was at a networking event yesterday, and we were having a conversation about marketing. Because I don't know. Everybody hates marketing. They're like, I don't wanna do this. You're like, okay. This is why there's so many marketing professionals out there to fill that gap. But at the same time, I remember when I was early in my entrepreneurial journey and I had a business coach who told me I needed to outsource my social media. And as soon as she said that, I was like, I get where you're coming from.

Tracy Borreson [00:26:15]:

I do get that because there's a lot of people who waste a lot of time on social media. The thing is is that I happen to love social media, and that's where I, like, find my people and by Live. So I want to do that. And you're just now giving me generic advice of things all people should do. And really what I need to do, and the first thing I did was hire an accountant because I was like, I don't wanna figure out taxes ever. Right? I wanna just be like, here's the money I made. Here's the money I spent. You figure it out.

Tracy Borreson [00:26:46]:

And if there's something that's worrying you, tell me about it. And that's it. Right? You worry about that because you care about that. My brain can't process that. So, like, there's also this I think it's not talked enough about in entrepreneurship of, like, what is your gap? Right? Maybe you're an accountant and you like to do your own accounting. Well, that's fine. You know all the taxes and all the stuff that you need to do for your zone and your business type. Great.

Tracy Borreson [00:27:15]:

But maybe you hate interacting on social media, or maybe you there's another gap for you. So find an expert that does that and then fill your gap instead of just saying, Live, I don't I also know a lot of people who are lawyers. You're like, well, I mean, you might find another lawyer, but if you're a lawyer and you're in, like, energy law and you know all the energy law, then you probably don't need a lawyer because you're a lawyer. Abbott you might need a marketer or a a BDR or something that is filling a gap that you have. So what are the gaps?

Adam Gray [00:27:49]:

I think I think the challenge though is that when you're starting out, you're ignorant about most of the stuff that you need to do.

Tracy Borreson [00:27:56]:


Adam Gray [00:27:57]:

like the like the business coach giving you advice, you need to outsource your social media. Yeah. Well well, that's well intentioned, but profoundly incorrect advice. And the problem is that if you don't know better, you follow the advice of the expert, and you can make some fundamental mistakes. And I think that Bob made a brilliant comment there regarding the tech needed for business. 1st, learn to have do learn how to do things without electricity, then apply tech to automate and augment it. You need to understand what the tech is doing. That's that's such a crucial point.

Adam Gray [00:28:29]:

And I think that's not just true of tech. I think that's true of everything.

Sheryl Scott [00:28:32]:

Mhmm. You

Adam Gray [00:28:32]:

know, if if you're gonna engage a lawyer, you need to say to them, why are you writing this? Why is it saying this? Because they don't understand your business and the the parameters within which you operate as well as you do. So it needs to be very much a partnership. And I think that the the challenge, particularly with new ideas, is that, you know, I say new social media. The challenge is that you've got, a seasoned business coach that has helped 20 businesses grow and exit, and you go, oh, that's fantastic. That's exactly what Durant to Abbott the world is a very different place now to what it was 5 years ago. And some of those things 5 years ago were not pivotal to the success of a business, and now they are. And the challenge is that if that person is still operating on the thinking that they learned when they were coming up through the ranks, then that's worse than useless now. It's positively damaging to your success in business.

Adam Gray [00:29:25]:

And I and I think that there's there's very much a kind of case of caveat emptor. You know, buyer beware. You need to be very clear about what you're buying and why you're buying it. And, you know, the challenge with all of this tech stuff again is that it's very easy to say, well, I need a CRM. I need a bookkeeping software. I need a video calling software. I need a document storage thing. I need a word processing program.

Adam Gray [00:29:48]:

I need a program to do my my flyers and and releases. I need a telephone scheduling tool. I need to and before you know it, you're spending 2, 3, 4, $500 a month on stuff, and you've got nobody to talk to, no customers, and no strategy. You know? So madness this way lies.

Sheryl Scott [00:30:07]:

Absolutely. And further to that point, you know, if if you go and hire a business coach and they've they've helped, you know, 20 other businesses be successful, that sounds great on the surface. But if all 20 of those businesses were real estate and you're a life coach, you might wanna find someone with expertise in your particular field. Right? We don't know what we don't know. And I think that's where, as entrepreneurs and small business owners, we should all be helping each other more than not. Because you all know folks that I don't know and vice versa, and you don't wanna hire the first person you meet or the first person that you like. Yes. You need to like them, but really look around and find somebody who's, a, up to date, and, b, has expertise in your area, whether we're talking an accountant, a business coach, even a lawyer, you know, you don't if you're an energy lawyer and you're suddenly getting divorced, you might not wanna handle your own case.

Sheryl Scott [00:31:05]:

Right? You're not gonna go to your brother who's a brain surgeon if what you have is a problem with your foot It's a very crude example. Yeah. They're both doctors, but they're not gonna be the best. I don't know if any of you saw the movie from the late eighties called my cousin Vinny. Absolutely hilarious if you haven't, but proof perfect why you need somebody that's not only an expert in their field, but has knowledge and is familiar with your field. Right? And, yes, starting out, this sounds Abbott, but rather than spending 100 of 1,000 of dollars on software to do all these things, it may prove in some cases, not all, but some, that hiring a virtual assistant who already has all that software and can do it for you is perhaps a more cost effective measure. Right? In my case, with LegalShield, we've got a subscription that gives you access to an entire law firm, not just a single lawyer. So you're getting that well rounded expertise as as another example.

Sheryl Scott [00:32:12]:

And that is so, so Shorten. Because, yeah, back to the point, if you're not spending your time on revenue generating activity, whether that's product development or sales and marketing, are you really in business, or are you just a crafter?

Rob Durant [00:32:27]:

So along those lines tickets? Yeah, along those lines, how can someone determine the viability of their business idea before committing to it?

Sheryl Scott [00:32:41]:

Research, which they may or may not know how to do. But Shorten, it's, you know, a, don't give up your day job too quickly. Go out and talk to friends and family. Where you think it might be the greatest thing since sliced bread, you might be the only one that thinks that, or you might discover that 4 other companies have already marketed exactly that, and there isn't room for competition, or you can't do it differently or better, or you need to do it differently, or you will then be in hot water and end up in court because they'll be suing you if you come up with something too close to theirs. Right? There's a there's a whole lot of things to navigate. The other thing that I think people don't think about, especially if if they've been employed their whole life and then suddenly they're not or they don't wish to be, they think, well, I need to do something from scratch. I need to create something. Not necessarily.

Sheryl Scott [00:33:33]:

That is incredibly rewarding, for sure, if you can do it and you've got something where there's a need in the marketplace. The product or service makes sense and it's tried and tested, but you could go purchase an existing business. Right? When people think about becoming a realtor, they go, they take the training, and they go work for a broker at least for a little while before they go out on their own. Tradespeople will do an apprenticeship before they start a business on their own. Right? In many cases, they have to. You could purchase a franchise, which buyer beware, there is good, bad, and ugly out there. Yes. For the most part, they're expensive.

Sheryl Scott [00:34:11]:

And you could spend $1,000,000 on this one and get everything you need, including a mentor and advice on location and all of your equipment and, you know, deals to buy your supplies. But in another case, you could spend the same amount of ridiculous money and get a logo and a whole book of rules on how not to use it and nothing else. So there is good, bad, and ugly, so buyer beware on that one. You definitely wanna shop around. And then there's network marketing, which many people think of as a side gig or one of those pyramid schemes. And again, there's good, bad, and ugly. The pyramid schemes, thankfully, are few and far between, but they do exist, so you've gotta know how to figure them out. But it's like business in a box, because you've got and same with franchise.

Sheryl Scott [00:35:01]:

Often, you've got a corporate office that's already come up with the marketing material. They've already done the focus groups. They've already done all the research and know what works and what doesn't work. There's proven systems. Often, they're gonna give you the technology, the webs the stuff that you need, so it saves a whole lot of steps. But it's not necessarily for everybody if there's not already a business, a product, a service that you can really get behind. It's gotta be something that, a, you're gonna use, and you can be passionate about market marketing to other people. Right? Think about it.

Sheryl Scott [00:35:36]:

I'm I'm always wary Ross a restaurant if the chef is super skinny.

Tracy Borreson [00:35:42]:

I think this is

Sheryl Scott [00:35:43]:

my hairdresser that has horrible hair.

Rob Durant [00:35:46]:

You actually would want that.

Adam Gray [00:35:49]:

Yeah. Yeah. We do. So so I've just had a look at our profiles, and we've got a huge number of viewers watching this show, much more than normal, I think. Absolutely. Which makes me think

Tim Hughes [00:36:04]:

that Cheryl?

Adam Gray [00:36:05]:

Yeah. Well, it could be bad news. I I well, clearly, that would be a contributory factor. I think that Rob, there's an awful lot of people out there either thinking, I'm gonna be on the job market soon. I'm gonna be laid off. Or having been laid off Ross sitting deeply miserable in their job thinking I need to have a fresh start.

Tracy Borreson [00:36:26]:

Or entrepreneurs who aren't making any money.

Adam Gray [00:36:29]:

Yes. Yeah. Absolutely.

Rob Durant [00:36:33]:

Pink I mean, all those Instagram videos telling me how to make 20 k a month with only 10 hours of work aren't real?

Adam Gray [00:36:39]:

No. I've just I've just bought my Ferrari. It ain't so. I've I've just bought my Ferrari by doing that. No. No. But joking aside, I do think that, that, you know, there were there were some golden rules that we've all been through. And, you know, things like you you have to have a dream.

Adam Gray [00:36:58]:

You know, I think, Bob said it earlier. You know, you have to have something that you want to do. Because if you if you're just doing something to earn a earn your daily bread, then you might as well go back and work for someone else. So if you're gonna do your own thing, it should be something that you you want to do. And, you should take advice and listen to what other people say, but you shouldn't let it divert you. And I say that because whilst there there is no generic answer to this. You know, when Mark Zuckerberg set up Facebook, there was nobody else in that space. So, ultimately, you know, people would have said to him, well, you know, I can't really help you with this because I've not been in this industry before.

Adam Gray [00:37:40]:

No one had been in that industry before. And loads of people said, you know, you're wasting your time. How are you Lorena monetize this? Clearly, he was quite a clever bloke, and he's done it right for himself since since he got all of that advice from people. And but I think that holding on to the the, you know, the most fundamental things, you know, you need to buy Alex and sell it to x. Whatever it is you're buying, your Tim, or your product, or your your materials, or whatever it may be. And, you have to have as many customers as you possibly can. Because it, a, spreads your Ross, and b, if you've if you've got 3 times the number of buyers as you can you can service, you can manage demand with price, can't you? And all of these are things that you should be trying to aim to achieve.

Sheryl Scott [00:38:29]:

Absolutely. You know, you need 3 you need 3 things to be successful as an entrepreneur. No matter whether you're doing it from scratch, buying a franchise, whether you inherited a business, or you're joining a network marketing company, you have to have a white hot burning desire. Absolutely. You have to be coachable and willing to learn, And then you gotta be do willing to do the work. Yeah. And if you've got a family, well, then you've gotta have their support, assuming you want to keep that family. Because it's not an easy go starting out, no matter which of these avenues you choose.

Sheryl Scott [00:39:09]:

Right? And, I mean, Facebook and Zuckerberg is a great example. LegalShield would be another example. I mean, back in the seventies when our founders started this company, and he said, well, I'm I'm gonna charge people a small monthly rate. And at that point, it was $6 a month to have access to a law firm. Today, for an entire family, it's only $30 a month. People are like, are you nuts? How the heck does that work? They must be crappy lawyers. No. It's a cost sharing model.

Sheryl Scott [00:39:35]:

But to think that he took the cost sharing model that's, you know, like crowd sharing Shorten of, mashed it together with a compensation model that's the same as the insurance industry, chose to market it through network marketing of all things, and then the lawyers still do the legal stuff the old fashioned way. To put those four things together, who would ever think that would work? But we've been around for 52 years in the states, Live in Canada. Like, sometimes things cannot be logical, not make sense, and still work. Well, and I think there's

Tracy Borreson [00:40:16]:

Live a creativity there. Right? Live, it's like, okay. So I see this in insurance, and I see this in law. And there's a lot of small businesses who still can't get the legal support that they need because lawyers are expensive. So what if lawyers weren't expensive? Right? But we still wanna pay the lawyers. So how do we make enough money to pay the lawyers? Because we wanna have good lawyers. We don't wanna have, like, all the worst lawyers because nobody's gonna buy that. Right? Like, I just always see this like, that's the white hot thing.

Tracy Borreson [00:40:47]:

Right? That's because somebody looked at a market and was like, why is it like this? Why does it only have to be like this? Why can't we buy it a different way?

Sheryl Scott [00:40:55]:

Nobody uses a lawyer every single day. No. Right? And we're starting to see this cost sharing model. Netflix would be another example. Right? Not everybody it's affordable because everyone's paying into it, and that adds up to a whole lot of money. You know, we have Jordan half 1000000 members all paying families are paying 30. Businesses are paying anywhere from 49 to 170. They're not using it every day.

Sheryl Scott [00:41:25]:

Some are gonna use it more than others. Right? Start ups should be using it almost every day, but they've got the ability to call and talk to a lawyer and say, here's what I'm thinking of doing. I'm a carpenter. I'm thinking I'm gonna start a business out of my garage. What do I need to know? What do I need to do? How much can you help me with? That you're really more likely to start on the right foot and not be, you know, falling into pitfalls. And for sure, the lawyers are gonna say, go get a good accountant. Go find someone that can help you with marketing and create a website. Yes.

Sheryl Scott [00:41:58]:

There's website builders. But if you spend 6 months making your website, you're Lorena, a, pull your hair out, and, b, you haven't made any money in 6 months, and now you can't afford to be an entrepreneur.

Tracy Borreson [00:42:08]:

Well, okay. So, like, I I I wanna talk about this because we've touched on it multiple Tim. And I think there's this assumption because there's so many free resources now due to the Internet that when we start a business, we don't have to invest any money. And what I'm hearing a lot of us say is that it doesn't have to be a lot of money, but you should expect to invest money to get good advice. Right? So whether that's a business coach, whether that's a lawyer, whether that's an accountant. Like, I pay my accountant to do my taxes and my accounting. Right? That's a business cost. And one of the things I experienced, again, especially early on in my entrepreneurial journey was, like, everyone wanted everything for free.

Tracy Borreson [00:42:53]:

And, like but, like, 1, we can't do that. We don't live in a society where we can just, like, barter services. I have to pay my mortgage and feed my kids. Right? So, like, I have to make money. And if I, as a business owner, need an accountant, then I should pay my accountant because I don't want to do that. I should pay the person to do that thing. And, again, like, it's really interesting to me especially from the marketing perspective because people are like, well, I want someone to, like, do my social media. Oh, that costs 1,000 of dollars a month? No.

Tracy Borreson [00:43:28]:

That should only cost, like, 50 bucks. You're like, well, do you know so for 1, you don't wanna do it. Right? So, like, there's a value in someone doing it because you don't wanna do it. 2, what's the value in having someone who's good at that, who knows what they're doing, who can do it in a Shorten, maybe Ross, the amount of time that you can do it? What is the value of that? Because that is what I should make as a service provider. And I think there is this unfair expectation when we're starting a business that like, we start a business with no money. I don't have any clients, so I shouldn't have to pay for any of the expertise that I need. Well, maybe we should go into that with, like, a little bit of a slush fund to assume I'm gonna pay for something. Let me be very strategic and ask good questions about what I'm going to spend that money on, but I should expect to spend money and not just on tech.

Tracy Borreson [00:44:28]:

Right? I should expect to spend money on expertise. And half probably more than half the time, the money you spend on expertise will be more helpful than the money you spend on tech because all tech is doing is automating something you don't have, which it's not going to get you any money. But you could have a I had this 1 on 1 coaching session with a strategist. They charged $75 for the session, which I was Live, and I had a one on one before that. I'm like, I know they add lots of value. This is, like, super cheap. I'm totally gonna get one of these. And it was, like, way more helpful than a year's worth of my, my email service provider, which I never used and hated using.

Tracy Borreson [00:45:10]:

Right? And so I think it's important here to talk about this. There is a monetary investment. I think if you're going to create a business that is going to stand the test of time, you should assume that you're going to invest some money in doing.

Adam Gray [00:45:23]:


Tracy Borreson [00:45:23]:

gonna invest in some kind of training. You're gonna invest in some kind of advice. And, no, this doesn't have to be blow your brains out. You don't need a $1,000,000 probably to do that, but you do need to invest something. And I think that's an important mindset for people coming into it instead of thinking Live, I can do this all on my own for free.

Sheryl Scott [00:45:45]:

No. No. And, yeah, if you're starting a business, there has to be an investment, not just time, but money. Absolutely. And that's where a franchiser network marketing company, you're getting a lot for whatever amount you're paying or you should be. If you're not getting a lot of support and resources, walk away and go find something else. But, yeah, starting your own business, there's gotta be an investment. I mean, if you're creating widgets, you gotta buy the supplies to make the widgets.

Sheryl Scott [00:46:14]:

But you've also gotta pay for marketing. And I know. I get it. You're not making money, so how are you supposed to pay these people? Well, bartering does exist. You know, if you've got a website builder and they need book keeping and the bookkeeper needs a website, well, at least for the 1st few months, you could maybe do some kind of trade. Now how you report that on your taxes, I have no idea, so you still need the accountant. Ask an accountant. It can be done.

Sheryl Scott [00:46:38]:

And I've known people that have bartered way more than I ever thought was possible in their lives. It really is possible. You can get pretty darned creative for sure. The other thing is, you know, rely on pros for things that are outside your wheelhouse. For things that you just don't wanna do, make it a goal. I mean, when I knew my career coaching job with the government was probably gonna end, I thought, what do I wanna do next? I thought, do I wanna go back to advertising? Well, if I'm gonna do that, I need to know social media because now there's this thing, the Internet. Well, I went to school, took an entire social media marketing program, and my biggest takeaway was I didn't like social media. But I have the tools, I have the knowledge.

Sheryl Scott [00:47:23]:

So I'm doing it because it's a necessary evil for my business, but I've set it as a goal. When I hit a certain level, I'm gonna hire somebody to look after that for me because I don't enjoy it. It's work. It's a chore to me. Right? Tracy, you and I sound like we're total opposites on that one. Yeah. I Durant do it, but I don't want to. Cleaning my house, I can do it.

Sheryl Scott [00:47:47]:

Even bookkeeping, that's record keeping. Most of us can do it. But if you don't like it, make it a Gray. When you hit a certain level, that'll motivate you and get you going. Or you can even Gray, like, okay.

Tracy Borreson [00:47:59]:

I need an accountant. The accountant is gonna cost this amount of month a month. I need to be making at least the amount of money required to pay my accountant and to pay whatever I need to pay myself. And, like, I mean, personally, for me, that's always been something that has been really helpful. So I feel like, okay. I've got this business because the business coach Ross $1,000 a month. So I need to be able to make enough money to pay for my business coach because I can't not I have to pay the business coach. And and I think

Rob Durant [00:48:28]:

that You

Adam Gray [00:48:28]:

could clean the business coach's house as a barter. Yeah. Barter.

Tracy Borreson [00:48:33]:

Or Live, I can make a three way barter with a house cleaner who wants to clean that person's house, but that person needs marketing services so that we can make it all happen. But there's I think it's it's it's, again, I think there's, like, this problem solving from a, like, business creation perspective. I see a problem. I'm here to solve this problem. And then, like, how can I make that happen? I'm working with a nonprofit right now, and unfortunately, there's been a lot of the government grants that haven't come in for this. And so I'm like, Gray. So what else? Right? Like, we got where else can we get this money from? We can get this money from industry. What do we need to do to build enough knowledge in industry for people to invest in this? Like, we can do that.

Tracy Borreson [00:49:15]:

There's lots of options. And I think it's when you're that attached to a thing and the success of the thing, then you go into, like, how can this happen? Like, what is the thing? What training can I choose that is aligned with me and where I'm gonna go? Because this is gonna help me to get to where I'm going. Right? Like, that's that that fire, that gusto that I think turns a company from a sprout into a business. And if you don't have that, if you're like, oh, I got laid off and I just need to make money in the interim, it's not the same foundation that it takes to actually build a business.

Sheryl Scott [00:49:57]:

Agreed. So think about you know, if if you're looking to start a business, no matter what it is, is this your primary focus? Are you passionate, or is this just a side gig to earn some extra money? And treat it accordingly. If you treat it like a hobby, it'll pay you like a hobby. Treat it like

Tracy Borreson [00:50:12]:

not bad to have a hobby. I think it's important for

Rob Durant [00:50:14]:

us to,

Tracy Borreson [00:50:15]:

like, if you are a painter and you love to do it for a hobby and you can sell your art on Etsy or Shopify and make a little bit of money on the Live, cool. Right? I have a friend a friend who draws, like, pet portraits. And then I was like, oh my god. This is genius. Because for people who have pets who love their pets like that so, like, I had her get a a sketch of my sister's dog for the dog's first birthday, which is a thing I don't understand. But this is, like, for pet people, they get. Right? I'm Live, that's cool. And she has fun doing it, and she does, like, I don't know, 1 or 2 a month.

Tracy Borreson [00:50:52]:

Right? And she's an interior designer. So that's her Rob, but she just does this thing on the side because it's fun for her. But it's also I had a a when I worked in corporate, I had a coworker who made cupcakes. And her cupcakes were delicious. You made cupcakes for all the team events. And so many times people were like, why don't you, like, start a cupcake business? And she was like, because then I'd have to only make cupcakes, and I would start hating making cupcakes instead of it just being fun for me to make cupcakes. So, yeah, if my friends want me to make cupcakes for the bridal shower or birthday or whatever, like, yeah, I'll do that. But I'm not gonna, to to quote you, Cheryl, hang up my shingle because I don't want everybody to buy I don't want it to be my Rob.

Tracy Borreson [00:51:35]:

And that's okay as well.

Sheryl Scott [00:51:37]:

I I mean, if she enjoys making cupcakes, she might not enjoy bookkeeping and marketing and all of the other things that are necessary. The carpenter probably loves woodworking, but maybe doesn't like all the other stuff involved with running a business. There's there's a comment, Rob Jensen, as ageism begins to creep into a job search, starting a business is a good way to remain relevant. Yes and no. Durant to comment on ageism. If you're thinking of becoming an entrepreneur because you're just not getting a job, if you've applied to a ton of jobs and got no interviews, I'd be having a professional look at your resume and cover letter, for starters. If you're getting interviews but not getting a job, do some mock interviews with people that are gonna be brutally honest with you and let you know where you're falling short because there's a disconnect there. Maybe you're not applying the right job.

Tim Hughes [00:52:29]:

That's good advice, Cheryl. Very good.

Sheryl Scott [00:52:30]:

But the other thing, particularly when it comes to writing your documents and interviewing, If you think you're not Lorena get a job because you're too old, you're too young, you're overqualified, you're underqualified, guess what? You won't. Because that comes across in your demeanor, in your writing. I'm not good enough. You have to have the mindset that I am a good candidate for this job. I don't know if I'm the best candidate because I don't know who else applied. Maybe the company will decide to hire nobody or promote from within. I don't know that. But I am a good candidate for this job.

Sheryl Scott [00:53:06]:

I deserve an interview, and I actually, if they're gonna hire, deserve the you have to have that mentality. Anything else, you're out. We've got a company locally here that is known for hiring young people. It has nothing to do with age. The reality is they pay crap, and young people don't need as much money. That's the reality. I mean, I've talked to them. They don't care about age.

Sheryl Scott [00:53:30]:

But somebody with a family and a mortgage needs to make more money than a 20 something who graduated yesterday in most cases. Right? It's got nothing to do with age. Employers would love to have good work ethic and, you know, tons of experience, but they often can't afford it. On the other hand, maybe they wanna pay less and get somebody who's not got any bad habits built up yet. Right? So whatever you think is your barrier, it will be as long as you think it is. That's all mindset. Now we're on a total other topic, and we could talk for another hour about that, so I won't carry on. But just know, ageism, I mean, if you're 80, yeah, they're gonna be afraid you're gonna croak any day.

Sheryl Scott [00:54:10]:

So, no, they're probably not hiring you. But 40 to 50 year olds, I'm amazed how many people think they're not gonna get hired because of their age. That is stinking thinking. So that is

Rob Durant [00:54:21]:

not the Henry

Adam Gray [00:54:22]:

Ford was not. Entrepreneur. It it was Henry Ford that said, if you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you can't. Either to either way, you'll prove yourself right.

Sheryl Scott [00:54:30]:

Absolutely. And Wayne Gretzky said you miss a 100% of the shots you never take.

Rob Durant [00:54:36]:

There we go. Cheryl, this

Sheryl Scott [00:54:38]:

is the intense

Tracy Borreson [00:54:39]:

hockey. Shocking. Imagine.

Tim Hughes [00:54:43]:

I'm going to a hockey game when I'm in Calgary.

Tracy Borreson [00:54:47]:

Unfortunately, you're gonna have to watch the flames. Who suck right

Rob Durant [00:54:52]:

now. Cheryl, how can people get in touch with you?

Sheryl Scott [00:54:55]:

The easiest way is probably find me on LinkedIn. I am on there constantly. You can also find me on Facebook, a little more of a challenge. I've got my maiden name on there, so Cheryl Hughes Scott, like ketchup with an e on the end. But those are probably the 2 easiest ways, for sure. But, yeah, find me on LinkedIn. My my contact information is there. Yes.

Sheryl Scott [00:55:20]:

If you are thinking you might like to start a job or start a business, I would love to have a conversation and see, should you? And it's important that not all of us should be entrepreneurs because we need people to run our big corporations and teach our kids and police our streets and all of those other things. If you're thinking you just want a side gig, great. That truly is for everybody. You learn so, so much, and it can be fun.

Rob Durant [00:55:47]:

Thank you so much. We now have a newsletter. Don't miss an episode. Get show highlights beyond the show insights and reminders of upcoming episodes. You can scan the QR code on screen or visit us at digital download dot live forward slash newsletter. On behalf of the panelists, to our guest, Cheryl, and to our very active audience today. Thank you all, and we'll see you next time on The Digital Download.

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